Thanks, Winterworks. The guy you don't like in the banner is supposed to obnoxious and is the theme carried over from my website. He's the Head Doober! It's part of the schtick and honestly, things are supposed to be extreme and moderately garish.
As far as the purple navbar and panel surrounds...I love it! Tell Kawasaki that green and purple don't go together.

As far as my two light styles, the blue one is nearly vBulletin default and the grey one is really pretty innocent. The one called Urangish is indeed ugly as heck but that was my first attempt at doing anything different at all and the one I used learning what all the settings do.
I appreciate your feedback. For what it's worth, I am not a designer, not a coder and not a web developer. In fact, I'm really a noob that just wanted to give my users something other than the standard vB color scheme without a ton of template changes or a custom skin.