Originally Posted by Parafal
I installed it and my VB Forum became slow to post. Is this normal? Is there a way to avoid this?
I'm using the cache option.
What is happening is that when you are submitting a post with one or more definitions in it, AME is fetching the contents of each destination page to extract data (i.e. titles and such). This will only happen when there is an ame match and the definition requests the info. You can however disable extraction per definition or on a global level without a problem (you just lose some of the whistles and bells). Note that some custom definitions may require extraction to be on though.
Originally Posted by Gamelobby
Is there a way for this to work in the Competitions.php (Tournaments & Ladders system.?)
Also, when i do a Version check i get this..?
If it has hooks in the right areas, it shouldn't be a problem. Check out AMEs hooks for visitor messages, social messages, blogs, etc... to get an idea of how easy it is
Originally Posted by Red-Devil
I have a problem with one of the internal link definitions.
I posted a link in the staff room referencing a members profile, the link was not displayed just the message, on investigating i disabled:
**Internal Linking (Member Profiles) then retested links appeared anyone else have this problem or is it being affected by another hack or maybe a bug.
If it was a custom definition, check with the author, they'll know for sure