Ok, this is the first time I successfully installed Apache 2.2, PHP5, and MySQL 5 onto my computer for a developing environment so I don't have to upload constantly. Laptop to be more specific, Windows XP Home Edition.
It renders php very well, except for pages that have mysql involved. For instance, I have have page that has a config.php included at the very top with the following content.
PHP Code:
$dbhost = '**.***.***.**';
$dbuser = '**********';
$dbpass = '***********';
$conn = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass) or die('Error connecting to mysql');
$dbname = 'databasename'; //real database name was changed...
$clientId = 2;
define("CLIENTID", 2);
define("PATH", "/my/home/path/*****/html/");
As I commented out line by line, I came to realize that $conn = mysql_connect is the culprit. I used
This Website and followed everything as close as possible. Considering they were using MySQL 4, and not 5.
What I want to know is why won't it tell me an error. It just gives me a flat out blank page. Any ideas to lighten my way? x.x