Originally Posted by bobster65
Not sure I follow you .. can you try and explain in more detail..
Well for some reason when i try to program in php in the files that are being viewed through the tabs (tabsample1, tabsample2, tabsample3), I've make new files and put my own code in and I can't use the $foruminfo['forumid'] to do anything, whether it be echo the value or use a condition. Are there certain files i need to include in those? I have global.php included, and i've tried having several others included, but not matter what i do i can't get the forum id of the forum currently viewing the ajax tabs to show the id inside that tab. I hope that makes sense. I can get what i need to show through the tabs, now i just need that to change based on the forumid without having to make a new module with a new set of tabs. Thanks for any help you can give.
For example, INSIDE the php file tabsample1.php, pretent i've made my own file out of it. I need to be able to say if($foruminfo[forumid]==5) show this, and if it is something else, show that. "Echo $foruminfo" shows the word "array", but $foruminfo[forumid] shows nothing at all. So it clearly isn't being able to pick up the forumid. Unless i'm doing something wrong like not including the right support files or not coding something right.