I want to use some ajax with my form and i need to get started somewhere - I am hopeing at some point to be able to use some of the things all ready in vbulletin to get my mod to work for me.
I am going to start of some what slow step be step and hope on can follow along.
The file I wish to make my modification to is calendar.php and I do know that the first thing is to setup the ajax hooks at the begining of the calendar.php but where and what and how does this happen.
I did find in my investagation of the files I did locate a file that seems to have the required functions in which the calendar.php need to make a call to setup the ability to use ajax. The file I found was vbulletin_global.js and is located in the clentsscript folder.
About line 711 to line 739 has what seems to me the first peice of this but it is only a guess.
PHP Code:
* Initializes the XML handler
* @return boolean True if handler created OK
vB_AJAX_Handler.prototype.init = function()
if (typeof vb_disable_ajax != 'undefined' && vb_disable_ajax == 2)
// disable all ajax features
return false;
if (typeof XMLHttpRequest != "undefined")
this.handler = new XMLHttpRequest();
return (this.handler.setRequestHeader ? true : false);
else if (is_ie && !is_ie7)
this.handler = eval("new A" + "ctiv" + "eX" + "Ob" + "ject('Micr" + "osoft.XM" + "LHTTP');");
return true;
return false;
The reason I think it is correct is because it has the XMLHttpRequest and it seems to handle the handler for many types of browsers.
Ok getting back to my question where in the calendar.php if that is the place do I make a call to setup the ajax request handler or handlers for all tyoes of browser and not only where but a example of the area in a non modifyed version of the calendar.php would i do this setup housekeeping and what would this call look like so as not to break the vbulletin system and has to handle all the avaibale browsers that vbulttin supports unmodifyed version?
Frank H. Shaw
--------------- Added [DATE]1236030263[/DATE] at [TIME]1236030263[/TIME] ---------------
Please explain how this would work?
I found a Templete - that seems to have calls to ajax functions the file is
/forums/ajax.php I need to know what I have to do to use this file as a templete or model for using with my calendar.php can someone help me explain what needs to be added to the calendar.php so that it will supoort my ajax modification.
I hope this better explains what i need thanks
Is this the first place the actual ajax is setup or used please explain the line below?
PHP Code:
$xml = new vB_AJAX_XML_Builder($vbulletin, 'text/xml');
Frank H. Shaw