First, let me say this mod is awesome! I'm so appreciative of all the hard work!
The problem I'm having I saw reported previously but it was dismissed, I think mistakenly. Or I'm just not understanding something.
Originally Posted by remotay
All of my post's authors show as random users on the forum!
To which Jafo responded:
Originally Posted by Jafo232
Did you see in the readme about how to replace "the_author()"?
I am having the same problem as remotay. But it's not "random," of course. Recently "imported" vB users are showing up in place of WP users with the same ID#. As soon as I "auto-interate" -- even while everything seems to be working fine... -- my the_author() values become vBulletin impostors!
I have replaced my the_author() calls with the recommended code from the readme, but that doesn't make any difference. The problem appears to be that WP is drawing user values from the wrong table!
Now, I *know* I'm missing something obvious, but it's 6:46am and I just can't figure this out. Help would be greatly appreciated...