So if all your sites don't use photoplog for example, you would just leave photoplog files in the original forums directory?
Edit: Just went through with it. Doesn't seem to work with 3.8. It doesn't like including the config.php or something. I always get this error: Configuration: includes/config.php exists, but is not in the 3.6+ format. Please convert your config file via the new
If I rename config_me.php (which is in configs folder) and put it in the includes folder as config.php it works. It's a 3.8 config file anyways. Not sure why $config = 0 and it's spitting that error.
I'd be willing to pay you for your time to get this to work with 3.8. I was looking forward to streamlining all my vbulletin installs into one set of files, along with some of my mods. I'm not sure if Andy is moving to 3.8 anytime soon or not, so I don't know what your game plan is with that.