Originally Posted by bananalive
Fixed issues in attached file
The Section is not a question but more like a heading.
Thank you. That updated file worked.
Here's another question for you.
I'm sure there's an easy way to do this, but I don't understand php. I'm strictly a copy and paste guy.
Questions that depend on another question.
Question 4 [your item for sale] is not compulsory - but...
Question 5 [how many of item one?]
relates to question 4 and must be filled in, if 4 is used
Question 6 {your price for item?]
relates to question 4 and must be filled in, if 4 is used
if question 4 if filled in then both questions 5 and 6 must be filled in as well. If question 4 is left blank, then 5 and 6 must be left blank as well.
I hope I've explained it well enough.
Thank you for your help. So far I really like this Mod and can see a lot of uses for it.