It is already: <span class="shade">$myawards[awarddesc]</span><br/>
I meant adding another <br /> , don't you think they look too close currently?
8. There seems to be few minor xhtml errors in various templates that mainly includes closing of img tag without the slash
/> and using <br/></br> instead of just one
<br /> (which validates properly)
9. On the Statistics page:-
Points for Threads: Total points display as 15 = 8 (Threads) + 2 (SG Discussions) + 4 (Replies) + 1 (Views)
.. which is fine. Similarly, Points for Posts is fine.
But, in Points for Users: 378 = 40 (Filled Profile) + 324 (Per Day) + 5 (SG) + 9 (Pictures)
+ 99 (Activity)
Shouldn't Activity points be added in total count too?