Originally Posted by kronnos
I see on the top all except one of the bugs have been fixed for the next release. Will it now be release or will you be finishing up the extra features list?
Well the last remaining bug is a problem on Opera side, it's a browser bug I think, so I haven't found any way to solve that.
No I don't think I'll be adding any other of the listed features in the upcoming version. I just have to add a small tweak to enhance chatbox speed.
But you know I don't just work on the chatbox
Originally Posted by punk23
Clement, your support is amazing and I thank you for that
So, I put this;
function open_chatbox_window()
window.open(bburl + "/mgc_cb_evo.php?" + SESSIONURL + "do=view_chatbox" , "view_chatbox", "toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,left=0 top=0,width=640,height=480");
return false;
Where? In the Forumhome template?
Well if your button is on forumhome yes. Don't forget to put that code between the script tags as I stated in a previous post.
Originally Posted by Raptor
No its not there ?
Oh but I am stupid the button is in the edtior line. You should see it it's a power plug.
Originally Posted by hambil
In IE (7 & 8)
Alternate colors has no effect
Do you get any javascript error ?
Originally Posted by hambil
The Private Chat popup defaults to Cancel when enter is pressed - which is very confusing.
Well the YUI popups are meant to work like this.
I have to work on the code to make it default enter, it's on the todo list.
Originally Posted by hambil
In all browsers
Activation of the new post warning in the chatbox causes double entries in the Notifications column. The problem didn't appear for a few hours, but now is persistent. New threads notification works fine.
Really ? Are you sure you're using last chatbox version ?
Originally Posted by hambil
The popups do not use skin colors, and on my skin (and I assume many others) they were unreadable. I discovered that changing the font color on the Page Background works, but since my page background is black is took a lot of tweaking to get a color that looked good on both black, and the white background of the popups.
That's normal they use YUI css, if you want to tweak them, have a look at this page :
Originally Posted by hambil
The blinking or even just the changing of the icon to chatchannelname_new.gif does not work when new messages are sent to non-active channels.
There was such bug in a previous version but not the latest one. Again, are you sure you are using the last version ?
Or have you been doing a chatbox upgrade lately ? In that case check that you don't have any non reverted templates and refresh your browser cache.