OK...here is the issue. Maybe I'm trying to use this in a way that it was really not intended for and just need to find another solution.
My members wanted a place to post their favorite restaurants. I have members all across the USA and Canada plus some other countries.
I created a new forum area called Restaurant Reviews. Within that forum, I created threads for all the states, provinces and "other countries".
I created 60 something forms so that they click a form for their state/province and the review goes to the appropriate thread.
To make the URL clickable, I would have to create custom outputs for all of those 60 something forms. Any change I make I would have to do this also. That's why it would be great if one form could be used and then the drop down question that lists all the states and provinces would direct it to the proper thread.
If that can't be done though, is there another way to make URLs clickable without having to create custom outputs for all the forms?