Amazing Mod. Thank you!
A few notes:
In IE (7 & 8)
Alternate colors has no effect
The Private Chat popup defaults to Cancel when enter is pressed - which is very confusing.
In all browsers
Activation of the new post warning in the chatbox causes double entries in the Notifications column. The problem didn't appear for a few hours, but now is persistent. New threads notification works fine.
The popups do not use skin colors, and on my skin (and I assume many others) they were unreadable. I discovered that changing the font color on the Page Background works, but since my page background is black is took a lot of tweaking to get a color that looked good on both black, and the white background of the popups.
The blinking or even just the changing of the icon to chatchannelname_new.gif does not work when new messages are sent to non-active channels.
Again, amazing work. Best shoutbox I've ever used.