Firstly, thanks for all your work on this Mod!
I'm sure I'm overlooking something dumb, but each time I post a link (internal or external) on my forum, AME converts the link to :
**Internal Linking (Threads)
and the link points back to the thread I've posted in.
If I disable AME and edit the post the original information shows, EG :
[ame="http://www.rx7club.com/showthread.php?t=806104"]Making The Case For The <Rotary> Powered FD: The Fix/ 2nd edit starts post 84, ^ info - RX7Club.com[/ame]
Running 3.8.1, AME 2.5.4, some other mods..
Any suggestions welcomed, and FYI I found somebody with a similar problem on vbulletin.com, not sure if he resolved it or not.