Originally Posted by testbot
can you help me understand where to put the awards and stuff that's in the extras folder?
You will have to put awards to the misc/level folder and name it like award_IDENTIFICATOR.gif - that IDENTIFICATOR must correspond to the setting in the award. Create an award and take a look where the Image URL leads you to: There must be the image.
Originally Posted by jetgaming
how do i install the addon for V3 arcade, where do i install it? and also what does that do?
Import the addon as an product XML. It just adds calculation for vBExperience about the games you are playing.
Originally Posted by Phrost
Which template do I edit to remove the green bar from the postbit, and not the profile? Or do I just have to kill it outright completely somewhere?
You need to edit the xperience_gfx template and remove the part about the second bar. Or you will wait for 3.8.3 where I added an option for it.
Originally Posted by KURTZ
guys just a question: i saw in the extras folder that there are some add-ons like 'arm of law' etc. in those folders there are some imgs ... so i'm wondering: where i can set those awards and where i should put those imgs?
edit: just created the thread necromancer award, but there is a trouble the system doesn't grab the .png image ... :S
i can't run arm of law award ... 
This award has to be named "law_scale" as identificator.
Good news: I worked out a plugin-like system for awards for vBExperience 3.8.3
Originally Posted by g0dfather1984
I can not get this uninstalled. Please help.
I use the kill and after clicking "Do it..." the page just goes white.
So then I assume it's unistalled, so I go to remove the XML and it's telling me to use the kill_xperience.php.
This message about the kill_experience.php comes always, regardless if you did it already.