Originally Posted by FullyTested
inciarco, thanks for your feedback.
This means you do not want to use the highlighting option.
Simply disable this feature and the post will have its original Alt1 and Alt2 colours.
Or, if you only want one side to have the Alt colour then why not insert that colour as the value?
Actually I noticed that when the Highlight Option is Enabled, and I try to select a Post to Moderate it in any way, then the Moderation Color don't Overwrite the Hoghlight Color, so I was planning to Enable Only the Highlight for the Title and leave the Content with the Original Color (Leaving Blank that particular Hightlight Option), so that when I Moderate the Content/Body of the Post has the Moderation Background Color, but as I explained when I leaved the Field Blank then a Neutral Color Appeared Damaging the Layout Background Color for the Post's Body/Content, that's why I suggested that when Leaving any of those 2 Fields Blank, then the Mod Leaves the Original Alt1 and/or Alt2 CSS Classes of those Table Cells, so that when Moderating those Posts the Post gets the Moderation Background Color when Clicking the Selection Box of that Post.
(Moderate the Post can mean Copy it, and is important to have the Visual Background Help to know which Posts are being Moderated at certain time).
I Hope this can be Applied, is a Simple Logic Sentence, <if> Field/Option is Not Blank then Apply Background Color </if>, and you see that if Field is Blank then No Style will be Applied to the Cell and the Forum Softeware will use the Defaul Alt1 or Alt2 CSS Style.
My Best Regards.