Originally Posted by msu2k
I really like this thread but it tends to really clutter up a thread after a while. So I'm left with two options:
1) Only enable it for the first post in each thread
2) Figure out a way to hide the the list of usernames thanking a post until it's expanded or something so that it doesn't take up much vertical space in the thread or clutter up a thread with more text
Is there a method for doing #2?
It'd be great even if inside the post itself at the bottom it had in small text: "This post was thanked X times" and only when that was clicked it would pop up a list of users thanking that post.
I used this info to do it
Originally Posted by Schnee
Edit Templates
Post Thank You Hack templates
10 templates under there.
I just removed the box altogether. Not sure if this works for you or not:
To remove the thanks box from under posts:
styles & templates>edit templates>post thank you hack templates>post_thanks_box
make it blank
To put the remove thanks options in your postbit so you maintain the ability to remove posts:
styles & templates>edit templates>post thank you hack templates>post_thanks_postbit_info
add the following to the end of the existing code:
<if condition="$bbuserinfo['usergroupid'] == 6">
<if condition="$post['show_thanks_remove_option']">
<br /><a href="post_thanks.php?do=post_thanks_remove_all&p=$post[postid]"<if condition="$vboptions[disable_ajax] != 2"> onclick="return post_thanks_remove_all($post[postid], <if condition="$vboptions['post_groan_integrate']">true<else />false</if>);"</if> rel="nofollow">$vbphrase[post_thanks_remove]</a>
<if condition="$post['show_thanks_remove_option']">
<br /><a href="post_thanks.php?do=post_thanks_remove_user&p=$post[postid]"<if condition="$vboptions['disable_ajax'] != 2"> onclick="return post_thanks_remove_user($post[postid], <if condition="$vboptions['post_groan_integrate']">true<else />false</if>);"</if> rel="nofollow">$vbphrase[post_thanks_remove_user]</a>