Originally Posted by VBDev
Yeah I know, the bigger the thread become, the harder to follow it is.
These are settings content not phrases so that's normal.
You have to put your own text in those boxes.
In the next release I'll attach the translation of the default values so that you users can work less haha.
Time is showing correctly for me, have you changed the timeformat option of the chatbox ?
Yeah I know I forgot to change the version in the chatbox, but no biggie
You are using same browser as your users ? That's not really possible.
The problem with that is that I don't know how that {IF} thing is parsed.
Is it a custom variable or something coming along with a plugin ?
For the chatbox ? No there aren't any.
It's based on bbcodes vB parsing method so if you have one for your posts and so on, I suppose it should be active for chatbox too.
When i test my board I test it in several browsers and they all come up the same...registered user see whatever is opposite to the settings. [I.E., firefox, chrome, and opera]
How do I check on the if thing {IF}
Instead of seeing the images i see submit query and the image url is forum/{IF}/misc/menu_open.gif