I've finally managed to fix the database connection issue. 1&1's support finally got back to me with some suggestions and for once they worked.
For anyone else who might be using a 1&1 managed dedicated server, this is what you need to do.
1, From the 1and1 Control Panel - Go to the server Administration section and make sure PHP is running as a module.
2, Create a .htaccess file and put the following line into it.
php_value mysql.default_socket "/tmp/mysql5.sock"
And put this .htaccess file into the root of the forum directory.
3, Enter the following settings into the vB config.php file.
$config['MasterServer']['servername'] = 'localhost';
$config['MasterServer']['port'] = '/tmp/mysql5.sock';
And this fixed my problem.
However I do now have another problem. When I try to log into the forum I get a server 500 error, and when I try to log into the admincp it just throws me back out to the admin login screen. Any ideas what could be causing that problem?