Originally Posted by Dream
do you have 0 categories? when does that happen? did you delete a category using the database manually?
I posted a pic. I assume those are the categories you speak of? I did not do any manual database edits. As far as when, I really am not sure. There have been not reports of users having issues other than a few inoperative links. It seems to work overall.
Noticed while viewing that this particular site showed to our users as inoperative. It works for me fine but according to firebug (a FF addon) this is the information it shows.
This browser is AJAX compatiblevbulleti....js?v=381 (line 11)
GET http://www.grumpyoldmen.us/forum/radioandtv.php?aj...nein/web/80s.asx&website=http%3A//www.977music.com
200 OK
314ms connecti....js?v=381 (line 7)
GET http://www.grumpyoldmen.us/forum/radioandtv.php?ajax=changestation&station=75
200 OK
699ms connecti....js?v=381 (line 7)
GET http://www.grumpyoldmen.us/forum/radioandtv.php?ajax=updatelist&letter=0-9
200 OK
631ms connecti....js?v=381 (line 7)
GET http://www.grumpyoldmen.us/forum/radioandtv.php?ajax=changestation&station=75
200 OK
460ms connecti....js?v=381 (line 7)
GET http://www.grumpyoldmen.us/forum/radioandtv.php?ajax=ratestation&rating=5&station=75
200 OK
371ms connecti....js?v=381 (line 7)
divwin is not defined
[Break on this error] <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML.../TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
private....wpm&u=147 (line 1)
divwin is not defined
[Break on this error]
private....Deg== (line 2)
GET http://www.grumpyoldmen.us/forum/radioandtv.php?ajax=changestation&station=67
200 OK
491ms connecti....js?v=381 (line 7)
GET http://www.grumpyoldmen.us/forum/radioandtv.php?ajax=editstation&station=67
200 OK
393ms connecti....js?v=381 (line 7)
Not sure if that helps any. Thats all I know so far...

Divwin seems to be the issue in this case...