Originally Posted by bockworst
I have a little problem, if a user sells an shop item then on the redirect page it displays
"Warning: Missing argument 2 for xPerience::CalculateXP(), called in [path]/xperience.php on line 524 and defined in [path]/includes/class_xperience.php (Line 13)"
whats wrong?
You have outdated files on your server. Please upload all files from the vBExperience ZIP again.
Originally Posted by mindfawk
I don't want admins to be ignored but it would be nice if the award system actually treated them like regular users instead of handing them out awards that others should actually be getting.
only other issue that i'm having is when giving an item from the shop to another user i'm getting an sql error.
It's not favouring admins in giving awards. If the admins are on first place with the according awards, they are getting the award. You can use the order and query position to tweak it.
Originally Posted by Mahar
Is it possible for us to create our own awards?
Please read the instructions.
Originally Posted by mindfawk
Is there a way to mass import items for the shop?
No, not without custom queries on the DB.