Originally Posted by ispots
Hey vbDev....I can reproduce this error on my site anytime you want:
The only way I can copy a thread or move posts is to go into admin first and turn off the new thread notification in the chatbox.
With 2.2.1 or 2.2.0 ?
Originally Posted by Redzzand
Oh ok, well what i did was decrease the auto refresh rate to about 7seconds and now the chatbox works way better. I also disabled inactive mode. I believe most of the functions are now working properly!
thanks again for this mod.
Feature Request
* Disable sound button
* Add actual Channel name next to channel icon or Channel Drop down
You mean a temporarly disable sound ? In addition to the one in the usercp ?
Channel name can be shown in the chatbox header, there is an option for that.
Originally Posted by OblivionMage
Ack, I still can't figure out how to get it to show up on my board
The only errors I get (tried different styles) in FF error console are:
-md5hash not defined
-Some sort of a Skype error (if (str.charAt(i).match(/[^;=!@#$%^&*()_+/\\ ,.~`\"|:-]/)) break;)
Which are present regardless of hooks
These are not chatbox issues, the issue might come from your style not being uptodate ?
But you should rather ask that to vB support coz this ain't chatbox issue.