Generally I'm more willing to help people who take steps themselves (like when you posted some variables and issues) than those who just ask without looking first. But regardless you won't see me say Google it... I can't always provide the help people need but I certainly don't like to drop them off and force them to learn an entire language either.
In any case, the profile has the two variables I mentioned previously controlled from the template I also mentioned before. Right now there's a lot of phrases controlling the layout of that box -- rip all of that out and just use some basic html. The variables carry the votes, the images you can call up directly.
As for the top post it's not basic HTML but still nothing crazy.
For example:
<if condition="$threadinfo[toppost] == $post[postid]">This is the top rated post!</code>
Using the same logic you could for example add to the table cell holding the post contents to change its color.
If you chose to tinker around and get stuck let me know and we'll find a solution.