Hi all,
I'm new here, i have very little php or html experience (i have owned a vbulletin forum since August) but i am learning fast and can perform whatever i am instructed to.
What i would like to do is change keywords found in the # code tags box, so instead of this:
Sub change()
for each r in range
if r = 0 then
msgbox "hello"
if r = 1 then
msgbox "goodbye"
end if
end if
end sub
i would like it to look like this:
Sub change()
For Each r In Range
>>>If r = 0 Then
>>>>>Msgbox "hello"
>>>>>>If r = 1 Then
'Show a message to the user
>>>>>>>>Msgbox "goodbye"
>>>>>>End If
>>>End If
End Sub
Of course the above would be without the white chevrons, i had to use them to indent the code.
Here are my lists:
$bodykeywords=array("Application","AddressOf","Alias","And","An y","As","Binary","Boolean","ByRef",
"Byte","ByVal","Call","Case","CBool","CByte","CCur ","CDate","CDbl","CInt","CLng","Close","Const" ,
"CSng","CStr","Currency","CVar","CVErr","Date","De bug","Declare","DefBool","DefByte","DefCur",
"DefDate","DefDbl","DefInt","DefLng","DefObj","Def Sng","DefStr","DefVar","Dim","Do","Double"
,"Each","Else","End","Enum","Eqv","Erase","Error", "Event","Exit","For","Friend","Function","Get" ,
"Global","GoSub","GoTo","If","Imp","Implements","I n","Input","Integer","Is","LBound","Len","Let",
"Lib","Like","Line","Lock","Long","Loop","LSet","M od","Msgbox","Name","New","Next","Not","Nothing" ,
"Null","Object","On","On Error Resume Next","Open","Option Base 1","Option Compare Binary",
"Option Compare Database","Option Compare Text","Option Explicit","Option Private Module","Optional","Or","Output","ParamArray","Pre serve","Print","Private","Property","Public","Put" ,
"RaiseEvent","Random","Read","ReDim","Resume","Ret urn","RSet","Seek","Select","Set","Single","Spc",
"Static","Step","Stop","String","Sub","Tab","Then" ,"To","Type","UBound","Unlock","Variant","Wend","W hile"
$indentkeywords = array("Then","Do","For Each","For","Else" "ElseIf","Do","Select Case","Case");
$unindentkeywords=array("End","Next","Else","ElseIf","End If","End Select","End Sub","Wend","Loop","Case Else","Case");
All the above keywords when found inside the code tags should be blue, any text found on the same line after ' should be green.
The indent keywords should indent like my second example only returning to the begining of a line if an unindent keyword is found or only indenting another line when another indent keyword is found.
If any keywords are found between quotes " then that text should remain black.
I have installed GeSHi which highlights the code if i use a custom tag but it doesn't indent or replace the words for the words in the list (proper case).
Is this possible with php, javascript and or CSS?
Kind regards,