Originally Posted by cory_booth
For those of you who are unable to get the chatbox to "load" on integration....
I had to edit the clientscripts/mgc_cb_evo_functions.js file and change all calls to mgc_cb_evo_ajax.php.
I deleted the jsloc+' part and simply put './mgc_cb_evo_ajax.php' in the quotes.
or if your forum is in forum then:
load the scipt in a GOOD editor - not notepad - wordpad is ok.
I think there was 16-18 occurances so do a well crafted find & replace.
How did I figure this out?
Loading Fiddler2 and watching what my site loads, I saw my site attempt to load the ajx script from
Which translates to "www.mysite.com/home/myname/public_html/vb/mgc_cb_evo_ajax.php"
which is obviously wrong....
the jsloc varible needs to be looked at in the
Just for a test, to see what I could change in the next version of the Evo chatbox (as it's not an issue on stangger5 side), try to do the following.
Edit the plugin of the chatbox named "Global variables of the chatbox", replace its content by :
PHP Code:
require_once(DIR . '/includes/functions_mgc_cb_evo.php');
if (THIS_SCRIPT == 'adv_index' && !empty($forumpath))
$mgc_cb_evo_floc = './directory_in_which_your_forum_is/';
$mgc_cb_evo_floc = './';
Don't forget to replace
directory_in_which_your_forum_is by your directory
If this fixes it I will add an option in the next coming release of the chatbox to let you set that directory within chatbox options.