Wow, suprised that the staff here aren't at least acting as if they'll listen to the argument, you don't have to act, but pretend you care about what we have to say.
Anyway, I think the suggestions earlier in the thread make sense, if a moder wants to /ragequit because they've been in an argument the least they can do is leave a note on how to remove their application. I mean I'm sure there were some people who installed it who were perfectly nice and helpful, they don't deserve to be left stuck because the moder /ragequit'd.
I understand that all the moders here work really hard, and I think everyone here appreciates that, at least most of us do. I also think the decent moders here wouldn't mind an extra two - three minutes of work if they choose to remove their mod. I doubt anyone here is malicious enough to want to leave their users stuck in a messy situation.