Ok for this one you will need to remove the top table in your header template.
Next make a new table or just delete the td for the standard vbulletin image.
Now make a new td using this method
PHP Code:
<table border="0" width="$stylevar[outertablewidth]" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="center">
<td><!-- add your images here -->
You would basiclly need to add one td and 3 divs
each div would have its own css properties. Now are you trying to do this one image on one side and one on the other with a gradient fill between them both?
do do that please not if the boards width is fixed or fluid. If fixed use the width property to set the divs width and you will do this on both ends.
It should look like this
PHP Code:
<table border="0" width="$stylevar[outertablewidth]" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="center">
<td><div class="headerimg"><img src="images/misc/headerleft.png" alt /></div><div id="headergrad"><!-- gradient --></div><div class="headerimg"><img src="images/misc/headerright.png" alt /></div>
Now css wise
PHP Code:
.headerimg {
height: 150px; /*set your height in pixels */
width: 200px; /*set your own width in pixels*/
/* if images are not the same lebght change the class to and id and add a new name to which ever is shorter/longer*/
#headergrad {
height: 150px;/*set your height in pixels */
width: 600px;/*set your own width in pixels*/
You can use <img src alt="" /> or set a background image.
If your board ifs fluid you need to adjust the above to reflect so and in the headergrad id make its width 100%
I`ll try this out and give you a code show with images.