vb.com referred back to here
moving attachments should be easy....simply create
http://attach.mydomain.com and redirect your Attachments Storage Type to a different directory...mine currently would be home/forum/attachments and would redirect to home/attach/attachments instead
static images can be done similar, creating
http://img.mydomain.com and hard-url all the image paths in Style Manager > All Style Options to
easy enuf on both to then move those sub-domains to a separate server.
my Attachment folder is presently at 15GB and I'm server shopping to relocate those. Believe a 1U case with a pair of 400GB 10k SAS drives in Raid 1, a pair of dual-core processors and 4GB of memory should be sufficient for a while
Will likely also work to off-load my Gallery images as well, further freeing up space on my current web server.