Originally Posted by MiskaTorn
Change the creation of the table in the xml file for this
This mght help until the developer can address this issue. When using UTF there are just too many characters being specified, so I shortened them up.
What exactly did you change? I have not been able to reproduce this error...
Originally Posted by y2krazy
By the way, Gryphon, you had a chance to look over Dragonsys's PM?
~ Sean
He did, and he has asked me not to release my changes. I have sent them all to him, and he said he would look into including them in a future release; however, he did say that it might take him some time to do so, due to his time being taken up a lot with another ptoject and RL.
I also added Character Prefix & Suffix titles
EDIT: I am cleaning up my code and resending the changes. Looks like my first submission got "eaten" by my ISP up/down issues.