Originally Posted by chadi
I'm with you on this. Why steal someone else's idea? Why not invest $20 - $30 a buy a style, or design your own? Or, use a style here that is free but not a ripoff of another site?
Its so unoriginal to just copy exact from some one else's' style. To top it off, even name the style "facebook".
I'm surprised vb org allows this to even stay. Its obviously a clone of the Facebook site from the layout, font style, navigation, icons, smilies.
When you have crossed the 1million member base on your site, then you should think on switching to your own design or adjust this one a little bit to make it unique. Most vb sites dont even get to 100k members, do you think facebook with over 90 million ACTIVE members would even care about a site with less than 100k?
You are not wrong by saying they can sue you, but you are wrong if you think they will win the case, read what happened to other big sites according to these copyrights.
This article, read it all the way or at least the very end.
After that, they are still using their design.
Here is the link of those other site, using probably the same codes and skin (over 4.5 million hits per day not thousands)
and another one
This is just a skin not a facebook clone! just to make it clear.
Use this at your own risk.