Originally Posted by SoftDux
I've just installed this mod, but can't see which URL I should be submitting to google webmaster tools. Can someone please tell me how / where to obtain the correct .xml URL?
AdminCP > vBSEO > vBSEO Sitemap Reports > Show Reports List > Sitemap Generator History > Find most recent sitemap from column an click View details > Log in to Google Webmaster Tools Dashboard and select Sitemaps > Highlight or manually type in each URL listing of your sitemap(s) under vBSEO Sitemap Generator History into the Google Webmaster Tools Sitemaps page > Submit all the sitemaps you have listed > Done
Google My Sitemaps
copy and past in the blank field /forum/sitemap_1.xml.gz and hit Submit Sitemap
Repeat as necessary for all additional sitemaps.