For those of you who are unable to get the chatbox to "load" on integration....
I had to edit the clientscripts/mgc_cb_evo_functions.js file and change all calls to mgc_cb_evo_ajax.php.
I deleted the jsloc+' part and simply put './mgc_cb_evo_ajax.php' in the quotes.
or if your forum is in forum then:
load the scipt in a GOOD editor - not notepad - wordpad is ok.
I think there was 16-18 occurances so do a well crafted find & replace.
How did I figure this out?
Loading Fiddler2 and watching what my site loads, I saw my site attempt to load the ajx script from
Which translates to ""
which is obviously wrong....
the jsloc varible needs to be looked at in the