Hi everyone-
I run a high school resource website called Course-Notes.Org. It provides free notes, outlines, practice quizzes, etc to help students do better in their classes. The website has a vBulletin forum integrated with the main site so users can use one account for both the main part of the site (the content) and the forums.
The main site is
The forum link is
The registration link is
I've made a lot of tweaks to it compared to your normal vbulletin registration page. I added a little introduction block at the top. I've removed the birthdate and the forum rules initial pages and just combined them into the main page to streamline the process. I've also removed some of the useless questions that might just confuse the user. And finally, I added testimonials about my site on either side of the form.
I'm looking for feedback about the registration page, as well as the entire site/forum too. No comment is too small
Thanks everyone!