Originally Posted by itsheinz
i dont understand was it needed to import the xml file in the include folder? i just thought i just have to upload only.
the reason the xml file needs to be imported is to add the templates and plug-ins which do not have their own files but are stored in vBulletin's database it also makes the product exist in the products menu. It doesn't matter whether you browse to the xml file on your pc, upload it and import it or whether you upload all the files in the /upload/ directory and then import it from your server - it just matters that you import it.
Originally Posted by BozzaJos
Such a quality hack Pedro, I really like the looks of it. This hack just needs to be installed on my Forums!
Question which I hope you could answer: I need to use it near the end of the month. Could you give me an ETA on when you think the beta phase is over? I am running a Forum with 80,000+ members so I try to avoid installed beta hacks since they are called beta for a reason hehe. In a week or so, this hack could be very important for my site.
Thank you in advance mate and keep up the good work!
Glad you like the look of it

There's 33 installs and 43 downloads of v0.92 which has been out 5 days without any bug reports. I want to introduce the option to ignore reports that are Under Investigation when making the notification count so will probably do that and if there aren't any bug reports for this current version will go gold (v1.00), say, 7 days from now. That would give it a couple of weeks out in the wild which seems long enough for a mod of this size. It's only really in beta cos it's new and there might be error's I've overlooked. There isn't any crazy experimental code in there or anything so it should stable.