Originally Posted by IrPr
Here the working fix:
AdminCP -> Plugins & Products -> Add New Plugin
Product: Zoints SEO
Hook Location: showthread_complete
Title: Zoints SEO firstunread fix by IrPr
PHP Plugin Code:
PHP Code:
if(strstr($firstunread, "showthread.php")) $firstunread = zseo_url_thread($threadinfo, 1, "goto=newpost"); else $firstunread = $url.$firstunread;
I'm sorry, but I think this is a pretty serious problem. The fix above only fixes ONE of dozens of broken links. I'd love to see an update to the mod that I can install that fixes them all in one swoop, and prevents people from having the same issue in the future.
As I posted, it's rewriting URLs in the vbadvanced pages I have, broken along the same lines. It's broken the menu links on the vbadvanced home page (e.g. forums, new posts...).
When I copy and paste the list of members viewing from the forums home page to a thread/post, all the links to the members' member pages are broken.
I'm prepared to go debug the mod myself, but any updates you do would overwrite my changes, which is something of a bind. I'd really like to consider this my contribution to making the mod better (reporting the issue).
All the zoints mods I see on this site look quite impressive.