Originally Posted by brun0
Exact the same problem here
MGC Chatbox Evo version ist 2.2.1, vBulletin version is 3.8.1
Which cache do i have to refresh after install?
You can't have token errors with vBulletin version 3.8.1 unless you have chatbox templates not reverted.
Is it the case ?
Originally Posted by SnapOff Racing
No mine works just fine. I have tried using the "Chats display order" set as Newest First and Oldest First and they both work fine. I tested in IE, FF 3.0.6, and Safari... I'm running vb 3.8.1
Also I notice that two tables are missing from the new 2.2.1 version
Have these tables been removed from the coding altogether or are they for an option that I just don't have enabled yet? Can I just go ahead and remove these tables from my db?
Yes they have been removed and the install script should have removed them.
Originally Posted by Adromir
I think i have the same problem as d0nbiz and OblivionMage:
I am trying to use the ChatBox 2.2.1 on a 3.8.1 vbulletin with default style and the chatbox simply doesnt show anywhere..
If your chatbox doesn't display it might be a style issue or usergroup permissions not set.
I don't see any other reason.