Originally Posted by colinizballin
Is there a possibility where I can place ads in some subsections of my forum and different ads in different subsections? Please help and thank you in advance.
Yes, you can do whatever you want with it more or less.
Originally Posted by Few
I am trying to make it so that different ads will appear per different usersgroups. So if someone is in a certain usergroup - they can have a specific set of ADs for them, and another usergroup has a different set of ads.
Edit/Delete Message
You do can do this with conditionals, the appropriate condition is <if condition="is_member_of($bbuserinfo, array(1,2,3))"> where 1,2,3 are the usergroups you want it to apply to. More information here:
Originally Posted by kronnos
Hi RedTyger,
First of, I just upgraded to 3.8.1 from 3.6 and this is the number one mod I fist install but... I am not really good with backups and working with unstable version and lol, I really did not like the work "disaster" used in your posts. Any idea/estimate when a stable version but be out? Also, if it does take a while, is it possible to use the VB ad management for VB 3.6 on version 3.8.1?
I was just covering myself with distaster

I haven't heard of any yet. Stable should be a week or two. It should work on 3.6 but I've not tried it, so no guarantees.
Originally Posted by Dead Can Dance
this is great thanks, but i only want this mod to run on 1 style not all of them, is that possible please? thx
It doesn't do that by default, but if you use a conditional in every adcode block it will have the same effect. You'll have to ask on vbulletin.com what the conditional is, I don't know it.
Originally Posted by Cybex
Hi, I installed this mod. Seemed to worked very nicely for me, but then I noticed that the width of showthread is too large. Default template has the same problem. What could be causing this problem, or better yet: how do I solve it?
I left out a bit of the column code, it'll be fixed shortly.
Originally Posted by cgway.net
really very bad support
really very bad support
really very bad support
I don't mean to be rude but you haven't marked it as installed, you haven't searched for your problem first and you only gave a day to reply with help for a modification that is marked as unsupported.
I'm working on fixes at this very second, the issue in question has already been brought up and appears to be a conflict with vBSEO.