Originally Posted by Brakkish
I'm a bit confused. The install file directs me to upload all of the files from the "file" folder and place them into my forums directory.
Are you meaning to say I need to extract each file from their folders and place them manually in the directories?
... download the zip file.
... unzip the file on your local hard drive.
... in the spot where you unzipped the file, you'll see a folder named "files".
... upload everything in the "files" folder (a file named arcade.php along with several folders) to the same folder on your server where you have vBulletin installed (typically "forums" or similar).
... Import the "product-v3arcade.xml" file into vBulletin (ACP => Plugins & Products => Manage Products => Add/Import Product)
... Go into your user groups and set their permissions to the arcade (ACP => Usergrouips => Usergroup Manager => {name of group} Edit => Arcade Permissions)
... Have fun.
(Note... you should not try to install multiple arcade prodcuts on the same instance of vBulletin unless you have modified one or other to avoid any conflicts.)