I don't Think This Mod Saves Server Resources If the Check Times Are Too Close (3 Secs - 3000 Milisecs), But If You Choose Wider Times (15 Secs - 15000 Milisecs, 30 Secs - 30000 Milisecs), perhaps you'll Not Overload Your Server and Still Offer Users that Extra Service of Live Topics.
Also You Can Choose Smaller Times for Threads and Users to be Consider Live, Not the 5 Minutes (300 Seconds) but Perhaps 3 Minutes (180 Seconds).
(It's an Idea).
But I Hope
Coders Shack Read my Bugs Reports and the Tests I made, because if an User Stays on a Live Topic on a Different Page than the Last One, the Mod Continues Checking for New Posts even if the Thread Got Dead, Perhaps some Checking on the User's Side Is Not Working Fine or Missing, because those Extra Checks from Users on Threads that are Suppose to be Inactive can Cause Unnecessary Server Load (and that Should Not Exist because the Thread is Not Live).

And Also the One I Reported About the Bug on the Hide Old Posts on Page that is Not Working Ok, because it Gets Stuck and Stops Users Replies to be Seen by the User that Post them.
But this Mod is Very Interesting For the Live Updating of the Threads, Like in Chat, I Hope Coders Shack can Find ways to Optimize it and Correct those Little Bugs so that Server Load can Keep Optimal even on Very Busy Threads and Forums.
My Best Regards. Can't Wait to Install and Test the Next Update of this Mod.
