Originally Posted by KillerStefan
I want to type in bold and with FF9900 as color always on the chatbox but the color isn't avaiable as custom parameter.
Any idea how to do this?
You can do that by editing the color array in the functions_mgc_cb_evo.php file
Originally Posted by michi123
i got a problem @ installing the box! im not able to import the product  !
it always says: Die bei der Anfrage ?bermittelten Daten sind f?r die -Methode nicht erlaubt oder die Datenmenge hat das Maximum ?berschritten.
The request for the data transmitted for the method is not allowed or the amount of data has exceeded the maximum.
can sumone help me to solve this problem pls?
Have you try uploading it to your server and then doing a server load of the product instead of local one ?
Originally Posted by DigitALL
I noticed that on the product page there is a link to the CMPS module. But when you got there, on the module page, it is stated to work only with version 1. Will that module be updated? If not, I see no point to be linked to it.
Well I don't know, it's up to stangger5, he's the one that do the link and develop the mode.
You should ask him.
Originally Posted by FF|Skyrider
VBDEV, I just updated and wanted to approve a thread that was put in to moderation. When I attempted to do so, I got this error:
Any idea?
When approving a thread ??
You should encounter that issue with the counters update of the chatbox but I don't think so for the moderation.
Originally Posted by Doctor Death
1. Is there any simple way to replace the Yahoo CSS so that you can read the error messages?
You have to redefine yahoo's css parameters. Do you want me to give a link to you on which parameters to redefine ?