Originally Posted by sexgosex
Multiple Account Reporter setting
User ID of the account that will report multiple accounts.
should i keep the setting 1 or the admin user id? but my user id is ku666666. not the number 1
Recipients of Private Messages
Enter the usernames of the users that private messages should be sent to. Separate with semicolons.
is that enter my admin user name?
i try to register two user account with the same notebook computers. but they allow me to register. and no report. is that not really work with 3.80
A "User ID" is
not a username. You need to enter in the ID number. Whenever you view your profile, you can see your User ID in the address bar. Look for "u=XX" where XX will be some number.
For the private messaging recipients, that is where you put the usernames of those people that should get a private message. You must have the option enabled as well.
Originally Posted by coolnikin
needs to be same browser too , without cookies getting deleted
Yes, thanks for the note! Yet I don't think that's the problem here.
Originally Posted by sexgosex
something maybe setting wrong. the proxy ip still can register more and more user. anyone can help it..i hate those crazy peoples. one ip register 51 user and then post ad in my forum.
Yes, I believe that you are not getting the results that you want because you did not change the ignore settings. You're an administrator, and by default administrators are ignored. Make sure that all of your ignore fields are empty, and then try again.