I Have a few Questions for
Coders Shack, because I detected Activity After the Thread was supposed to be Dead when Leaving the User when the Thread was Alive:
Question 1: I can see that if I make Second Account go to another Page of the Thread while it's
still Alive, and wait until the Thread goes Dead (after the time specified for it to be Live), and then when I Post a Reply with First Account, I can see the Bottom Right Message that Alerts about a New Post being Made. Is this Normal Behaviour of the Mod?

(seems like on that case the Mod still looks for New Posts Being Made on the Thread when you're in another Page of the Thread, and a Loss of Resources on a Thread that Went Dead).
Question 2: I can see that if I make Second Account Enter to another Page of the Thread when it's
Dead, and then when I Post a Reply with First Account, I can see the Bottom Right Message that Alerts about a New Post being Made. Is this Normal Behaviour of the Mod?

(seems like on that case the Mod looks for New Posts Being Made on the Thread when you're in another Page of the Thread, and a Loss of Resources on a Thread that Went Dead).
Question 3: I can Still See Sendind/Receiving Data on my Computer each X Seconds (X is the Numbers of Second Specified for this Mod to Check for New Posts), when I Leave a User on a Topic while it was Alive and After the Thread Becomes Dead. Is this Normal Behaviour of the Mod?

(seems like on that case the Mod looks for New Posts Being Made on the Thread when you leave a User while it is Alive, and a Loss of Resources on a Thread that Went Dead).
I think that Perhaps there is a Behaviour that You Should Study on the Code:
- When the Thread Becomes Dead, Why is it Still Sending the Checkings for New Posts being made when the User is in another Page of that Thread, and Report the New Posts being made Only if You're on Another Page of that Thread, (if you are in the Last Page of the Thread, it Checks for those New Posts but it Doesn't Report them because the Thread went Dead, but if you were in another Page besides the Last one, then it'll Alert you as I mentioned before), so seems like this Loss of Resources is Caused by the part of the Code that Alerts about New Posts being Made when You're in Another Page of the Thread while it is Alive and Leave your User there without Leaving the Thread.

(I'm guessing, you're the one that knows the Code, but check and You'll see that the Activity Continues (Sending/Receiving Data on the Connection Status the one with the 2 Computers in it on your Windows).
Seems to me like it shouldn't be that way, and that when the Time Passed after the Y Minutes You Specified for a Thread and/or an User to be Live, the Code should Stop Making the Calls for Checking for New Posts.
My Best Regards.