Originally Posted by subz uk
look in the main css
under the blue font color there is a text decoration, just put in none for all three of the boxes
I'm not sure why it was left blank.
Actually, all three of those text decorations are blank. Hmm.... Oh wait, you are saying physically type in "none" for those boxes? Lemme give that a try...
Edit: You are da man! Thank you so much subz. That's exactly what I was looking for.
Originally Posted by Ossedis
how do i get a banner?
Go under StyleVars and under the Image Paths section, the first thing listed is called Title Image. Put in the path where you upload your banner to on your server. If you want to center it, then you'll have to go into your 'header' template and change your <td align> statement to read <td align="center">.
Figured I'd go ahead and tell you about centering it as I was trying to figure that out last night and finally got it to work. Someone may know of a better way of centering the title image, but that's what I did to get mine to center.
And for anyone wondering how to do some things with this style, definitely check the main post where he has a link listed for the same style for 3.7.x. I used that thread to dig up the tips I needed to get this style tweaked just right for my site. Just a heads up.