Originally Posted by guvner
Hi Ted
We've been discussing this your mod at my forum today, and one member asked if the cell under the post with the most votes could change color to help distinguish it from other posts in the thread.
I know this was mentioned last week and was wondering what would be involved in enabling a feature like that?
You can do this in two steps.
First go to your Helpful Answers System Settings and enable the top answer feature. This will give you acces to the top post via the variable $threadinfo[toppost]. But note, this will also add a query when a post is loaded.
Next you'll need to edit the template postbit or postbit_legacy to make use of this variable.
Depending on how you want the cell to look you'll want to modify the code appropriately.
<if condition="$threadinfo[toppost] = $post[postid]"> ... </if>