Originally Posted by MrEyes
But then again all you are doing is moving the subscription extra step into another configuration extra step
I am running this on my site with vbseo and all seems fine, what errors are you encountering?
True, but I think we are talking about different things. Im saying that a dropdown or selectable list for the users...is better than them having to visit every forum they wish to be visble in myforums and subscribing.
For example, lets say you have 5 forums:
...and want all 5 via myforums. The VB method means
1. navigate to "Cats"
2. open "forum tools"
3. click subscribe.
4. navigate to "birds"
5. open "forum tools"
6. click subscribe.
7. navigate to "dogs"
8. open "forum tools"
9. click subscribe.
10. navigate to "fish"
11. open "forum tools"
12. click subscribe.
13. navigate to "zoo"
14. open "forum tools"
15. click subscribe.
What I think would be much simpler is
1. Navigate to MyForums
2. Open the "Forum Selector" dropdown
3. Select any or all of the forums
4. Click "Select These Forums"
Four steps for the users, only one screen and your script handles the merging