Originally Posted by Jaxel
Okay... I installed this mod and I am getting a few small errors with USERNAMES...
-Manta- turns into http://www.8wayrun.com/members/_manta_/
D.I.N.O turns into http://www.8wayrun.com/members/d_i_n_o/
ai-uchi turns into http://www.8wayrun.com/members/ai_uchi/
These are legal URL characters... so this should be easy enough to fix.
I have a VERY restrictive and arcane registration RegEx in place to avoid this type of issue; but it appears that three characters are still giving issues: . - @
'showthreadnew' => 'f{forum_id}/{thread_title}-t{thread_id}/newposts/',
Doesnt seem to work for me.
did today's update fix this problems?