In the past, I've requested the creation of a Ranking Ladder System built in vBulletin... sadly the request was never filled; when I tried in the paid section, a got a few responses, but the best bid I got was $500 within 6 months... sadly that didn't seem viable to me. So this week I've endeavored the write the system myself. Originally, I was writing it just for these weekly Tekken 6 Bloodline Rebellion tournaments I have been running here ( Then I thought to myself, I may as well work on that original vBulletin system that I've been trying to get done for the past few months.
And today I finally finished it for my forum...
The question is... do I release this script to the public? I haven't done a lot of what would be required for releasing a script, such as phrasing the templates or making the settings easy to configure (right now all my settings are in an external file). It would require me to put a lot of work to fixing it all up for the public, so I'm making this thread to ask if there would be any interest in me doing this...
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