I have a golden hit suggestion! read carefully please Hasann..
I suggest to issue a key to be used in registration, similar to the coupon numbers used in any marketing campaign to identify users...
This solves the issue of emails getting out from the server are listed in emails spamming databases.. am sure this is one of the main challenges of using this invitation module properly.. 7 from 10 of the invitations are lost, and not utilized due to this issue.
So the user gets an ID, and a confirmation that the invitation is sent via Email, and the user him self if he knows the interested person to join the forum in person or via Instant Messaging Applications, he send it to him directly..
Please consider using an easy to be copied Key, or maybe an invitation id that is used in the URL it self?
The idea overall helps to have an efficient way to calculate the number of issued Invitations, and number of registrations without facing the problem of losing big part of due too the spam databases.
Please comment on the idea to improve it.