There are so many great image gallery forum mod's
with watermark options i just cant get them running
on my updated board 3.8 rc 2..
was looking at
Attached Image Watermark Plus guest viewing thumbnail
But thats for 3.6 and some got it working for 3.7 with modifications.
VBImage host for 3.7
Awsome mod, but only a text watermark.
PB watermark album images for 3.7
A great mod, i cant get running on 3.8 plus its a wery little WM, only desired for dating sites etc.

you know what i mean, logo in the cornor.
Soo anyone heard of anything in development or got a working wm mod with gallery

im looking to add watermark for 3 usergroups, basicly non registreret users
to encurage registrering, so preferble a full img sized embedded watermark.
Ill be subscriping to this thread, argrgg matey.. ohoj..