The purpose of this is to make banned users lose interest in your board. Registration takes a few minutes based on creating a new email every time you have been banned. Also not everyone is proxy smart and doubtful that they are running a dynamic IP without proper setup, also you have to take in account that the redirection if done right the user can possibly be fooled into thinking the site is down or does not exist, redirection methods could be to another page on your site that states the forum is down for maintenance when it really isnt.
Statistics for my board is that 1 out of 10 users figure out that they were banned and make a new email along with a proxy. which is very good because a lot of users don't realize that their banned if redirected to a page if used strategically like I pointed out. You can never keep a forum 100% protected from ass hats after banning, but this whole setup makes it 10x easier to keep them at bay.