I just installed a vbulletin forum. And i added a category first. Yes, only one category in the home page i added currently. (SELECT A STATE) And inside that i again added 2 sub category (eg 1. ALABAMA & 2. ALASKA)
- and inside sub category 1. ALABAMA I added 2 more categgories (eg TEST 1, TEST 2)
- and inside sub category 2. ALASKA I added 2 more categgories (eg TEST 1, TEST 2)
Now the problem is When i click on the
TEST 2 in category
ALASKA. The link is suposed to be SELECT A STATE> ALASKA> TEST 2. But i received SELECT A STATE> 1. ALABAMA> TEST 2
However, when I changed the name of TEST 1, TEST 2 in category ALASKA to TEST 3, TEST 4, everything works well.
How can I fix this. Any help will be appreciate!